today i made a blog....yea me!....-___-" wat do i put on this bloody page.
i wonder wheres da botten where i can up load some vedios of my friends and i??
but it would suck if the vedios are not clear..ok save up money and buy a really awesome camra
anyway i did this blog coz a friend named jeany had 1 and it seemed so kool to hav one too....she is so kool... i wonder if she single or nt??lolx...
she's new girl that just came to my school not to sure when really...but i do know shes new! i always see her hang out wif poven and reaven most of the time... i wonder if she likes them?
but i actually meant her when i was looking girls to repersent the school in swimming but it didnt really happen coz school didn't want to send us there...use less school!!
but then i would bumb into her time to time but talkin to her about her old friends at her old school has sorta gave a bound between use....
gees i hope its ok for a guys to have a blog, coz da only people i know who have blogs are girls!!!
shit this cant be happening 2 me, one moment i'm a guy n then i became a girl..
whats happening!!!
anyways how long does a blog has to be and how many people will read????
Owh my god that reminds me my english teacher reads peoples blogs Pn.Afida...i wounder if she'll tell my class abt this blog....then more of my friends will make 1 too...